Saturday, July 26, 2008

Vegan Bodybuilding

I just finished reading a short article basically laughing at the idea of vegan bodybuilding. Why do meat eaters think us vegans can't put on muscle just because we don't eat flesh from dead animals? If that were true, we'd all be walking skeletons. When I read articles like that, it just reminds me what an ignorant world we live in! I thought I'd include this link to a great site, Vegan Bodybuilding.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Great Book

I've just finished reading Skinny Bitch and LOVED IT!!! I enjoyed it so much I've started reading it a second time. I recommend this book to everyone. I'm not very good at writing book reviews so I'm just going to say it's great and everyone, vegan or non-vegan, should read it.


We had a visitor to our neighborhood the other day. Once we saw him, or maybe her, we grabbed our cameras and went chasing after it. Out here bears our so common and a lot of them are so used to people that you can get pretty close to them without having to worry.

We're Finally Done

Well we're finally finished! We've managed to build skirting around our trailer. It wasn't easy and it definitely wasn't fun so I'm glad we're done! Now we can finally enjoy our weekends and have fun instead of working outside in the heat.