Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Vegan Freak

I finally received my copy of Vegan Freak today. I haven’t read much yet but so far I love it. For awhile I’ve been trying to sum up in one sentence why I became a vegan. One line in this book summed it up rather nicely by saying, “the death of animals for pure enjoyment is wrong”. It makes me think of all the non-vegans who might hear that and say, “I certainly don’t enjoy that! That's a horrible thing to say” but I’m sure they enjoyed the burger they ate last night or the ice cream they had for dessert. Anyway, I won’t start ranting about this now. I think I’m going to enjoy reading the rest of this book.

Whole Foods Market

My husband and I were lucky enough to visit the Whole Foods Market in Vancouver, BC. I have never gone to such a nice grocery store! There was so much selection for vegan and cruelty free products. I want to live there! I even found soy protein. I didn't know there was even such thing as soy protein. I bought a small container to try it and it was good, just a little runny. I also tried vegan mozzarella which I wouldn't recommend. I'm not quite sure how to explain vegan mozzarella except that it's just weird. I can't wait until I can go back. Too bad I live 2 1/2 hours aways. I definitely recommend this store to everyone.