Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Whole Foods Market

My husband and I were lucky enough to visit the Whole Foods Market in Vancouver, BC. I have never gone to such a nice grocery store! There was so much selection for vegan and cruelty free products. I want to live there! I even found soy protein. I didn't know there was even such thing as soy protein. I bought a small container to try it and it was good, just a little runny. I also tried vegan mozzarella which I wouldn't recommend. I'm not quite sure how to explain vegan mozzarella except that it's just weird. I can't wait until I can go back. Too bad I live 2 1/2 hours aways. I definitely recommend this store to everyone.


D & D said...

Hey Holly, I bought a block of vegan mozarellla once, didn't like it and threw it out on the compost heap where the crows and rats like to forage and guess what---none of the creatures ate it, even though the temperatures here are around -14 degrees and they'll eat just about anything at this time of year. Hmmm, the vegan mozarella people are going to have to work on this one I think. I would rather just give up cheese.


Holly St.Denis said...

I agree, I think vegans just weren't meant to eat cheese. I'm okay with giving it up. I can do without.