Sunday, May 18, 2008

As you can see it's been a while since I've posted anything. Things have been a little hectic for Sean and I. In April we found out our landlord didn't want to renew our lease which meant we had to be out by the end of May. Well, living in a small town we weren't left with a lot of options. We placed our own adds in the local paper looking for something to rent, talked to everyone we knew, and searched every paper but still couldn't find anything. Things weren't looking good. I was getting ready to live out of a tent at that point. Then one thursday when a new paper came out (we get one every week) and we still didn't see anything available the idea of buying an rv popped into our heads. My sister did it for a few years so why couldn't we. The following Friday and Saturday we spent our time searching the internet for trailers. By Sunday we had left a down payment on a 2007 Cherokee 305L fifth wheeler.
Since then we've spent every waking minute getting ready for this move. As we both work full time we're not left with a lot of time for anything else. We still have to finish the plumbing, leveling it the trailer, making proper supports, skirting the bottom, and of course planting my garden. We have one week left before we move in and we still have to finish clearing out and cleaning our apartment. Wish us luck!

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