Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It Got Me Thinking...

I found this quote somewhere on the internet:

" we can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals".

-Immanuel Kant

At first I really liked the sound of it but the more I thought about it, the sadder it started to sound. I think about how cruel and uncaring people can be towards animals and how easy it is for them to turn a blind eye to the suffering of other creatures. If there are other worlds out there, they must look at our planet with disgust.

I'd like to think that someday things will change. I try to stay positive but when you look around and see people eating bigmacs and having eggs for breakfest when they know full well where it came from, it can make you loose all hope. When I'm feeling down about it I like to visit Peta's website and read their success stories. It helps remind me that there are things we can do to help. If some things are changing now, no matter how big or small, then maybe there is hope for the future. Maybe, someday, this planet might be cruelty free.

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